
Shopware 6 - create CMS page

February 03, 2021 - 2 min read

Shopware 6 CMS pages are a different thing than they are in Magento 2. It takes a whole different approach, with a lot of Shopware-specific terminology which doesn’t make sense when coming from Magento.

tl;dr: to create a CMS page in Shopware 6, you have to create a Shopping Experience and a category. Wait, what? Create a category to create a page? Yep. It’s insane, but apparently this is how it works. If I missed an actual CMS option in Shopware, please let me know.

  1. Go to the backend an click on Content > Shopping Experiences.
  2. Click on “Create new layout” and pick “Landing page” (Landing pages are “free form pages”, Shop pages are used for fixed pages you can set in Settings > Basic Information > Shop Pages and Category pages give you the option to add a product listing).
  3. Pick a layout (I used Full width).
  4. Name the layout (I used “CMS page”).
  5. Click on the plus sign in the right sidebar and drag a text block onto the main area.
  6. Click Save.

Here’s what I have:

Shopware 6 Shopping Experiences

  1. Go to Catalogues > Category (yes, really).
  2. Click on the three dots next to your root category and click on “New subcategory”.
  3. Give it a name, I used “Testpage”.
  4. Click on “Testpage” and activate it.
  5. Scroll down to Layout assignment and click Assign layout, now choose “CMS page” and click Save.
  6. Scroll down to Menu settings and click “Hide in navigation”.
  7. Scroll back up and click on Content, here you can update your content.
  8. Click Save.

Shopware 6 Category Content

  1. Now you can visit your page at https://yourdomain.com/testpage/. Note the trailing slash, since it’s a “category”, it does not work without it.

Update: bonus tip: change the setting in Settings > SEO > SEO URL Templates > Category page from {% for part in category.seoBreadcrumb %}{{ part|lower }}/{% endfor %} to {% for part in category.seoBreadcrumb %}/{{ part|lower }}{% endfor %} (so move the slash) and run bin/console dal:refresh:index to get rid of the trailing slash. Thanks Melvin.

Update 2: apparently this is on the roadmap (see “Site builder”), expected to be released in March 2021.

Shopware 6 CMS page frontend

Kyle Mathews

Written by Peter Jaap Blaakmeer @PeterJaap